aerial photo of seashore

Workshops & Fortbildungen


Zyklusberatung nach Sensiplan

Kennenlernen der wissenschaftlichen Methode "Sensiplan" und Individuelle Beratung zu Ihrem Zyklus

Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche

Fortbildungen zur Sensibilisierung gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche.

Sexualaufklärung in Schulen
Workshops für Fachkräfte, Eltern, Kinder und Jugendliche zum Thema sexualisierte Gewalt

Über Inteam

Herzlich Willkommen bei Inteam!

Meine Leidenschaft ist das Wissen um Sexualität, Zyklus und Verhütung, Konsens sowie die Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt.

Ich unterstütze Sie mit kompetenten Bildungsangeboten in einer klaren, verständlichen Weise.

paper on wall
paper on wall
Meine Mission

Bildungsreferentin Johanna Haase

Diplom-Biologin, Bildungsreferentin, Natürliche Familienplanerin nach Sensiplan, GfG-Familienbegleiterin i.A.

Bildungsangebote von Inteam

Workshops zur Sexualität

Aufklärung zu Themen der Sexualität, Liebe, Verhütung und Menstruation mit Kindern und Jugendlichen

Zyklusberatung nach Sensiplan

Als zertifizierte Zyklusberaterin nach Sensiplan biete ich in individueller Beratung oder Gruppenkursen Einführungen in die Natürliche Familienplanung (NFP) an.

Von der Menarche bis zur Menopause berate ich mithilfe der Methode zum besseren Verständnis des Zyklus, zur Verhütung und als Unterstützung beim Schwangerwerden.


Fortbildungen zu Basiswissen "Erkennen und Intervention bei sexualisierter Gewalt" für Fachkräfte.

Ich biete Workshops für Interessierte, Fortbildungen für Fachkräfte sowie Präventionsangebote für Kinder und Jugendliche an.

gray phonebooths

Kontaktieren Sie mich

Bei Interesse an Workshops, Beratungen und Fortbildungen kontaktieren Sie mich gern!

Workshops & Beratung

Erleben Sie unsere Angebote zu Sexualität und Prävention in Bildern.

A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
A classroom filled with students sitting at desks, with a teacher standing near a chalkboard. The chalkboard contains various written topics such as definition, feelings, and treatment. A student in the foreground raises their hand, suggesting active participation. The walls are adorned with colorful artwork and educational posters. A map of Europe is displayed prominently.
A classroom setting with several people seated at long tables with laptops and papers, attending a presentation or workshop. A presenter is standing to the right of the image, engaging with the audience. The room is well-lit, with a large banner on the wall displaying the topic 'Student Question in the Contemporary Classroom'. Various items such as flowers, cups, and boxes are placed on the tables.
A classroom setting with several people seated at long tables with laptops and papers, attending a presentation or workshop. A presenter is standing to the right of the image, engaging with the audience. The room is well-lit, with a large banner on the wall displaying the topic 'Student Question in the Contemporary Classroom'. Various items such as flowers, cups, and boxes are placed on the tables.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.
A workshop setting features two men seated on chairs, one wearing a hat and the other a cap. A young person lies on the ground with a dog next to them. Tools, a red vehicle, and various workshop items are in the background.
A group of people are seated in a room, engaging in conversation. Several individuals, including both men and women, are sitting on plastic chairs. One woman appears to be a health worker, identifiable by a stethoscope around her neck. Another person appears to be speaking directly to her. The room is decorated with blue and yellow drapes, and a framed picture or sign labeled 'CLASSE DEBORA' is visible on the wall.
A group of people are seated in a room, engaging in conversation. Several individuals, including both men and women, are sitting on plastic chairs. One woman appears to be a health worker, identifiable by a stethoscope around her neck. Another person appears to be speaking directly to her. The room is decorated with blue and yellow drapes, and a framed picture or sign labeled 'CLASSE DEBORA' is visible on the wall.
A child is seated in front of a large poster advocating against gender-based violence, with a message promoting safety for women and children. The child holds a lit lantern and is wearing casual clothing. The setting appears to be in a public area with subdued lighting.
A child is seated in front of a large poster advocating against gender-based violence, with a message promoting safety for women and children. The child holds a lit lantern and is wearing casual clothing. The setting appears to be in a public area with subdued lighting.
Two individuals are in a workshop-like setting. One person, dressed in a green jacket and grey cap, with a mask, gestures with an outstretched arm, possibly discussing or explaining something. The other person, wearing a two-toned shirt, appears to be listening attentively. The background features partially constructed or decorative panels and tools, suggesting a construction or carpentry environment.
Two individuals are in a workshop-like setting. One person, dressed in a green jacket and grey cap, with a mask, gestures with an outstretched arm, possibly discussing or explaining something. The other person, wearing a two-toned shirt, appears to be listening attentively. The background features partially constructed or decorative panels and tools, suggesting a construction or carpentry environment.